FAQ BedRock
Iratemustela 13 Ocak 2024 18:38 315
Oyuncu - Iratemustela Staff Manager
5 ay önce

How do I craft pyro fishing augments?

  • To check you have the ingredients: -Type /fish menu -Click on the fire charge picture (Augment Menu) -Click on the book picture 

This will open a menu with all of the augments and their ingredients. The book picture tells you how much entropy you have and your current level (the more you fish, the higher your fishing level gets).

  •  Change your control mode to Joystick and Aim Crosshair -Click on Settings -Click on Touch -In the Touch menu, select Change Control Mode -There will be 3 options. Select the bottom option: Joystick and Aim Crosshair.
  •  Making the Augment -In an open space, place and fill a cauldron with a bucket of water -Stand back slightly and throw all of your ingredients at the cauldron 

NOTE: You don't need exact amounts. Just make sure there is enough for the amount of augments you are making -Aim the crosshair at the cauldron with your fishing rod in your hand -Tap the sword/attack button. If you have enough to make several augments, click until they are all made

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